Interns are not just for big companies

It looks like it’s finally Springtime in Colorado!  Wow……that was one long snow season, huh?  Spring means college graduation for thousands of newly minted professionals who are eager to begin their careers.  It’s also the time of year when current college students are looking for some relevant work over the summer……keyword internship.  If you are…

For the Rookie Job Seeker

Make sure you’re fishing in the right pond  This month’s article focuses on helping those individuals who don’t have a lot of experience being a job seeker.  Maybe you are getting ready to graduate, looking for an internship, returning to the workforce after an extended absence or newly transplanted to a new geography.  This one…

Are you a driver or a passenger in your career?

I have the privilege of working with amazing people every day. Since we are in the business of finding and hiring talent for our clients, we spend between 4 and 6 hours each day talking with people about their careers. We spend an equal amount of time combing thru resumes. Without sounding too Black and…

Hire Fast!

Collapse your interviewing process to reduce your competition I’ve read a bunch of articles lately about how companies are taking weeks and months to fill open positions.  Most of this press is attributable to large companies with many layers of decisionmakers.  If you are lucky enough to be a hiring manager for a small company,…

Keeping them is cheaper than replacing them

Low cost loyalty programs show the love If you’ve been trying to hire experienced professionals this year – especially in the engineering space – I don’t need to tell you this is a tough market.  Colorado is on solid ground and gaining momentum.  There simply isn’t enough talent to fill all the open positions. As…

Get Happy at Work!

Taking charge of your career direction I was on the phone last week with an individual who asked this question: “I’m at a pivotal point in my career.  Do I take a technical path or do I begin to move toward a management role?” Great question!  I’ve given this a lot of thought since that conversation.  I applaud…

An open letter to hiring managers

From an unemployed professional In my role as an executive search consultant I split my time between hiring managers who are trying to hire and candidates who are trying to get hired.  As we continue our path toward economic recovery there are still deeply experienced, highly skilled executives who are trying to navigate their paths…