Are you a driver or a passenger in your career?

I have the privilege of working with amazing people every day. Since we are in the business of finding and hiring talent for our clients, we spend between 4 and 6 hours each day talking with people about their careers. We spend an equal amount of time combing thru resumes. Without sounding too Black and…

Hire Fast!

Collapse your interviewing process to reduce your competition I’ve read a bunch of articles lately about how companies are taking weeks and months to fill open positions.  Most of this press is attributable to large companies with many layers of decisionmakers.  If you are lucky enough to be a hiring manager for a small company,…

Let’s talk about money

How to address the salary question  The one question that trips EVERYONE up when I talk with them is compensation.  I talk with hundreds of job seekers every year – from entry level to senior executives – no one nails this question.  So, it’s time to talk about it.  Seriously, it’s not an elephant in the room.  I’ll assume…

People want to work with good folks and for good companies

6 uncommon ways to build a strong brand If you work for a good company, where people are recognized, and feel that their contribution has an impact you most likely have a strong culture and are surrounded by smart people.  This reputation doesn’t happen overnight.  It also doesn’t happen because your marketing department publishes that you are a…

Bad job seeker behavior

These tactics will damage your reputation  In my position I have a unique vantage point.  Daily, I work with hiring managers to help them hire great people and with job seekers to help them navigate their next career move.  I’ve handled more hiring transactions than most people do in their entire working life.  I’ve observed some pretty cool…

Keeping them is cheaper than replacing them

Low cost loyalty programs show the love If you’ve been trying to hire experienced professionals this year – especially in the engineering space – I don’t need to tell you this is a tough market.  Colorado is on solid ground and gaining momentum.  There simply isn’t enough talent to fill all the open positions. As…

Get Happy at Work!

Taking charge of your career direction I was on the phone last week with an individual who asked this question: “I’m at a pivotal point in my career.  Do I take a technical path or do I begin to move toward a management role?” Great question!  I’ve given this a lot of thought since that conversation.  I applaud…

It’s like dating – but don’t play hard to get!

Be interested – and interesting The media is full of news about companies who would hire, but can’t find qualified candidates to fill open positions.  Translation – there is a war for talent going on.  If you are a big company with deep pockets, a large recruiting team and a strong employment brand you won’t…